American Citizenship
1All just authority for government comes from the people, under God; not from a monarch or a governing class, but from the innumerable citizens who make up the public. The people delegate to government only so much power as they think prudent. Government is the people’s creation, not their master. The people are sovereign and it is the American citizens’ responsibility to take upon their shoulders the task of seeing that order, justice, and freedom are maintained.
Community Engagement
2We regularly hold town hall style meetings where citizens may engage with state policy center experts, local and statewide candidates / elected representatives, and various community leaders. Our Mercury One team serves the community by focusing on emergency preparedness, parades recognizing our military veterans, and various charity events.
Visit: MercuryOneVancouver on FB
Gov’t Accountability
3Citizens of Clark County have become more actively engaged in holding local government accountable to their proper role with greater fiscal responsibility. Local taxpayers are concerned with regulatory threats to their property rights, transportation project cost accounting, and the economic impact of lightrail which has been repeatedly voted down.
Education Programs
4Over 120 hours of Constitutional coursework has been delivered as part of our effort to restore our Founders’ Charter of Freedom. Our Christian American heritage is censored in our public schools. We no longer teach the necessary history and founding principles to ensure the maintenance of our Liberty. Parental rights to direct the care, upbringing, and education of our children must be preserved.